
Monday, June 20, 2016

Sewing for Baby: Tula Corner Drool Pads

Ahh favorite time of year.  It has been so nice to be off from work of course but it has been even nicer to have adventures with my little Lyla.  One thing that makes having adventures with a baby even more fun is my Tula soft structure carrier.  Last time I posted in the Sewing for Baby series, I shared the hood that I made for my Tula which you can read about here.  Carry Ella Creative made that pattern and also the pattern for these drool pads which you can find here.

Just like the hoodie hood pattern, the directions for this pattern are so well written.  I was able to bust out this project in one nap session (2 hours, which is longer than her naps lately but she had skipped her morning nap that day).  The only thing that I did different from the directions was use terry cloth for the absorbent layer instead of heavyweight flannel because I had the terry cloth on hand.  It was a little bit more difficult to sew through all the layers using the terry cloth because it was so thick.  It worked out fine though, it just gave my sewing machine a little bit of a workout.

The drool pads got immediate use after I made them when I wore my daughter in a back carry while my choir sang at a baseball game.  She definitely enjoyed chewing on them as they were soaking wet afterward!

I have been busy with many projects as usual and I actually have another sewing for baby project ready to post but this one is for a baby boy!  I can't wait to share that fun project with you.  Here is a look at the other projects in the Sewing for Baby series:

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