
Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Teepee-Finally!

Yes it is true!  Today I am finally posting about Lyla's 1st birthday present, her teepee.  I think the idea of making a teepee first came to me from a random "you might like this" post on Pinterest and then I became obsessed with pinning play teepees and tents on Pinterest.  There are a ton of tutorials out there but I decided that it would be easiest to use a pattern and conveniently Butterick makes a pattern for teepee which you can find here.

I saw a few teepees on Pinterest that used vintage bed sheets and I loved that idea.  I found a lovely vintage floral bed sheet on Etsy and then bought white muslin for the rest of the teepee.  While I was buying the muslin I came across some lace and thought it would work great for the small panel above the door flaps.  

The pattern called for ribbon in two sizes so I purchased some gold, pink, and blue satin ribbon.  The beads that the pattern called for were a little hard to find and I had to order them online but I can't remember the place I ordered them from anymore, sorry! PVC pipe is used for the poles of the teepee.  I spray painted them gold but I was only mildly successful with that because some of the paint chipped off almost immediately.
The teepee was quite easy to make but marking the fabric was not very fun.  I used disappearing ink to mark since I was using white fabric and there were a lot of markings.  It was also difficult to work with so much fabric especially by the time I was adding the last panel.  One part of the pattern was a little unclear so I had to improvise.  I wasn't sure how to get rid of the raw edge when I connected the front panels to the lace piece and the directions didn't make much sense.  I end up just top stitching a piece of gold satin ribbon over the raw edge to cover it up.  It turned out to be a happy accident because I really like the look of the ribbon between the vintage sheet panels and the lace piece. I also learned how to sew button holes on my machine for this project.

Most of the pictures in this post are my iPhone snaps during Lyla's one year professional photo session.  The teepee made an awesome prop for the outdoor portion of her photos! And here are a few of the professional shots from exposures by j.linnea

Seriously amazing!  I love her work so much!

Oh and one side note, I just learned about clipping masks in Pixelmator and it is going to be my new favorite thing.  That is how I made the watercolor letters in the picture at the top of this post.  It is like having a new superpower haha.  I know, I'm kind of a nerd.  If you want to read about the romper that Lyla is wearing in the photos check out this post.  Next up on the blog will be another post about Lyla's digital baby book.  Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading!

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