I'm proud of myself for actually writing a post without letting three months pass by ;). Right now I'm working on planning Ana's 1st birthday party. I can't believe that she turns one in less than a month! Since I've got birthdays on my mind I thought I would write a post on the Moana party that we had for Lyla's 3rd birthday. One thing that I have definitely loved about being a mom is planning and throwing birthday parties. It is so much fun! And this year was especially fun because this was the first year that Lyla was able to pick her own theme. She loves the movie Moana-she wants to watch it all the time. I don't mind because I love the movie and especially love the music.
I created this invite in my Pixelmator software. I bought this Moana clipart from
here. It came with that cute background on the invite too. You'll see this clipart used again later on.
I'm going to start with the games because that was the first thing that we did at the party. The main game was an Moana obstacle course that I created.
1st the kids slid down the slide.
Next the kids had to crawl or weave through the seaweed tunnel. I made this obstacle by sticking bamboo skewers in the ground an then slipping the pool noodles over them to create an arch. Then I added green streamers for the seaweed.
Next they had to jump on the trampoline. I used to jump on this little trampoline when I was a little girl. It belonged to my grandmother and I love that Lyla gets to jump on it too! The 4th obstacle was to crab walk or crawl from the trampoline to the patio. I figured that most toddlers wouldn't be able to crab walk yet.
The next obstacle was to "paddle your boat." I drew a line on the concrete with sidewalk chalk and the kids had to follow the line while holding the "paddle." We used Lyla's toy shovel for the paddle. If I would of had more time I would of made a paddle out of some sort of handle and cardboard.
I was originally going to have coconut bowling be a separate activity but we had a couple of pins that were permanently deflated so I decided to incorporate it as an obstacle instead. This blow up bowling set was a present from Lyla's Aunt for her 2nd birthday. I found these sea decorations at the dollar store and just taped them to the pins. I sent my husband out the day of the party to find this coconut. I called this obstacle "breaking the sea wall."
Finally the kids had to carry the heart of Te Fiti to Te Fiti. I had some little stones and I taped some heart of Te Fiti's that I had printed and cut out on card stock to them. I just found the clip art by doing a google search and it was free. Then I put them on spoons and the kids had to carry them to the Te Fiti backdrop that I made.

I originally drew out Te Fiti in my dining room with it taped to the wall. I used painters tape to give my self a line to reference for where to put the facial features. Unfortunately it ended up ripping the tablecloth which was just a cheap dollar store one when I took it off. I didn't want to draw the face again to I just put the other tablecloth I had bought behind it. I drew hear face on with a green sharpie. The heart is just a bigger version of the one I made for the obstacle course. I used dollar store grass stuff and a garland from Oriental Trading Company to create her hair. I bought some leis from Party City for guests to wear while taking pictures.
The only other activity I had was the water table. You can read more about how I made this in
this post. This was a big hit at both her 2nd birthday party and this one. Little sister loved it to and got soaking wet!
Inside I had a happy birthday banner that was a free printable from Catch My Party and you can find them
here. I also used the little tented cards to label the food and the You're Welcome sign which I taped to the front door. I made the leaf garland with my Silhouette Portrait. I found the tropical leaves in the design store and cut them out on different shades of green card stock. Then I punch holes in each leaf and strung them onto some bakers twine. I hung them up with some push pins in the ceiling. I wish I had taken a better picture of it and I had plenty of opportunities since it was up for a month after the party! I decorated with some leis on the table and these cute Kakamora pirates that I made using coconut cups from Oriental Trading Company, craft acrylic paint, and mod podge.
Here's the tutorial that I used to make these.
I didn't do a good job of taking pictures of the food but I served sandwich meat and cheese and crab salad with Kings Hawaiian hoagie buns (and the regular size Kings Hawaiian rolls for the little ones). I had a veggie tray with ranch dip and made a little island in the dip with half a red potato with a carrot stuck in it for the trunk of a palm tree and a green pepper cut for the palm leaves. You can see it in the picture above (it was the only picture I got!). We also had chips and pineapple.
I made a this
lime sherbet punch and called it Heart of Te Fiti punch.
Of course the crowning glory of it all was the cake! I was so pleased with how it turned out. You can find a bunch of examples of similar cakes to this on Pinterest. For the cake I used this
recipe for chocolate cake and this recipe for
mock chocolate mousse filling. The filling was so good! I made three layers of the cake. I used this
buttercream recipe. I crumb coated the cake with white frosting after filling and stacking the layers. Then I used a spatula with the blue frosting to give it the wavy texture. I used a piping bag with a grass decorating tip for the grass. I bought the little flowers at Joann Fabric. The bamboo is made with Pepperidge Farm Pirouette Cookies. I found the Moana set with canoe at Target. I can't believe I made this cake!
Finally the favor bags contained one of the Kakamora coconut cups with a bamboo straw, a bag with shark, octopus, and fish gummies, and Moana temporary tattoos. I made the bag toppers with my Silhouette Portrait and the same clip art as the invite. The font is a
free Moana font. The tattoos were made using my Silhouette Portrait and the special tattoo paper that they make. I used
this clipart and I especially liked the Maui ones that look like his tattoos.
Lyla has been a big fan of tattoos lately so she loved these. I seriously loved planning and throwing this party. I hope this post gives you some inspiration!