
Friday, June 5, 2015

Upcycled Cubby Display Case

I have officially been on summer break this week and it has been a nice since May was packed with lots of events including my brother's high school graduation on the last day of May.  Unfortunately I started off my break with a nasty cold which is not so fun especially when I am also 32 weeks pregnant.  Thankfully the fog has been gradually lifting and today I feel almost feel like myself again.

Today I have a fun little upcycle project to share.  A while back my mother-in-law gave me this cute little cubby display case that belonged to my husband's grandmother.  The glass on the door had a big crack in it so my first inclination was to remove the door.  It reminded me of a project that I saw on the Young House Love blog awhile back. You can click here to see the post where they made a cute cubby for Clara's big girl room.

 I forgot to take a picture of the case before I removed the door and the contact paper on the backs of the cubbies.  Hopefully I will be better at picture taking post pregnancy.  There was also some green felt glued to the bottom of each cubby which was a pain to remove but Goo Gone and I got real chummy during that endeavor.

I started by priming the case with my favorite Zinsser Bullseye 123 primer.  This took some patience because painting inside all of those small cubbies was definitely time consuming.
After priming I painted the outside with some leftover satin Behr ultra white paint.  It took two coats to get good coverage.  I then painted the inside of the cubbies with coral paint leftover from this globe project.  It took 3 coats of the coral to get the coverage I wanted.  

I left most of the cubbies empty for now because I envision collecting little trinkets over time that have meaning to our little girl.  I did find a few sentimental items to fill a few of the cubbies including a small owl figurine that my youngest sister gave me, a crepe paper corsage that I made for our wedding, wedding cake bubbles from our wedding, a little cornhusk doll that my Grandma Charlotte gave me, and a rosary that we bought at the Vatican during our trip to Austria and Rome a couple of years ago.  Check back next week for the 3rd installment in the Sewing for Baby series (if you want a sneak peak check out the second to last picture in this post;)/

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. The little Peter Rabbit music box Grandma gave you might fit as well.
