
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Painted Chevron Rug

I am back today with another porch update.  My original plan was to paint a design on the floor itself but I decided that a patterned rug might be a little more fun.  It was definitely not in the budget to buy a rug like this because they are so expensive so I decided to paint a rug.  I bought a really cheap 4'x6' area rug ($17) at Mills Fleet Farm.  If you don't have any Fleet Farms where you live think K-mart combined with Home Depot.  Menards was also having a sale on Rustoleum spray paint (2 for $5) so I picked up a few cans in Aqua and a roll of painter's tape.

I began by taping off vertical lines on the rug about 10" apart.

Then I marked tick marks every five inches on each line of tape to help guide myself in placing the diagonal pieces of tape.

Then I placed pieces of tape diagonally to form the chevron pattern.  These pieces were also about 10" apart.  I made sure to press down firmly on the tape to eliminate gaps.  I also put a double layer or tape because I was worried about the paint bleeding through the tape.

Then I spray-painted the rug.  For some reason I only bought one can of paint and that was not enough to cover the entire rug with one coat.  So I had to take another trip to Menards to pick up another can.  I put two coats of paint on the rug.

After letting it dry for a little bit, I removed the tape.  I was pleased at how crisp the pattern looked.

I had been working on this in the garage because it was sprinkling but then the sun came out so I move the rug to the patio to let it dry in the sun.  Once it had spent 4 or 5 hours drying, I brought it back onto the porch.

Don't mind my winter boots hanging out in that cubby.  They are so ugly but they are great for shoveling snow. This was another simple and inexpensive project, under $30!  It was a great way to add color and a fun pattern to my porch project.


  1. Is the rug really rough and uncomfortable because of the paint?

    1. There were a few parts of it that were a little crunchy because I accidentally sprayed too much paint but even those have softened up with use. I definitely wouldn't use this technique for an indoor rug but it is really good for an outdoor rug and a much cheaper way to get a cool looking patterned rug for an outdoor or semi-outdoor space.
